Pastor’s Corner

Pastor’s Corner – Riding the Waves   

Of all the things to come across my newsfeed in 2020, I was recently captivated by the headline of a Guinness World Record being set.  In the first half of September it was verified that earlier in the year Maya Gabeira had officially surfed the largest wave by a woman ever recorded.  The wave was officially 73.5 ft high.  I can’t surf a tiny wave near the shore, much less one that is 7 stories tall!  Surfers live for the waves; rough waters in life.  In fact, the biggest and best waves come on the front end of a storm.  I recently met a man who said he loves living on the Gulf coast because he regularly gets to surf on hurricane waves. 

One of the most inspirational accounts in the bible is the time where Jesus walked on water.  In Matthew 14, we read that the disciples had started to cross the Sea of Galilee in their boat while Jesus stayed behind to pray.  They weren’t getting very far because the wind was against them and the waves were crashing against their boat.  Here it is again; waves are bad.  They make life difficult and prevent us from accomplishing our goals. 

Jesus (after giving the disciples a head start) begins walking to them across the choppy waters.  The disciples become afraid when they first see Jesus; that is until they recognize him.  At the moment they recognize Jesus, Peter demands to have Jesus tell him to walk on water, too! I have always admired the faith Peter shows in asking this of Jesus.  I am encouraged that Jesus approves of such bold and audacious requests and I completely understand that Peter sank when he tried. 

See, Jesus calls Peter out unto the water when the waves are still crashing.  The waves were certainly nothing near 73.5 feet high, but they were intimidating enough that Peter took his eyes off Jesus and began to sink.  What happens next will amaze you!  

Jesus does NOT calm the storm or smooth the waves.  Jesus grabs Peter by the hand and teaches him to surf!  Peter, holding firmly to Jesus, comes back to the surface of the water and gets back into the boat.  The scripture says very clearly that the wind and, therefore, the waves only stop once Jesus and Peter are officially back in the boat.   

I am not good at surfing in real life and I would never try to walk on water unless I could physically see Jesus.  But, using this illustration and applying it to my life, what I do attempt to accomplish is to ride life’s ups and downs with my eyes firmly fixed on Jesus, the author and perfecter of my faith.  As I cling to Him, I am able to have a firm foundation in the midst of life’s storms and, at times, even enjoy the ride. 

Occasionally, I wipe out; I sink and nobody enjoys those times.  But, like Peter, Jesus lifts me up, too, and grows my faith as well as refines my whole life.  I find it deeply poetic that in this crazy 2020 year, the largest waves are able to be surfed.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Let’s hang ten, carve up some surf and cling to Christ.  He might just use you to do something miraculous!

“And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. And those in the boat worshiped him, saying, ‘Truly you are the Son of God.’”  Matthew 14: 32,33

In Christ,

Erik Gauss

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